Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Onondaga People

Complete the outline given in class by turning to page 14 in the textbook. Read the paragraph.Onondaga historical paragraph for outline

Research the following on your Chromebook and add the notes to your outline for Thursday's quiz.
1. Google images - Eastern Woodlands - describe the location of the Onondaga people and the Iroquois Confederacy
2. search what major landmark borders that land - hint (natural resource)
3. describe the terrain of the Eastern Woodlands - is it like our Columbia River Gorge area or not?
4. What other facts not in the outline can you find about the Onondaga people?  Find 1-2

Read the story  Earth on Turtle's Back in your textbook or on the link provided. Be prepared to add to your chart, three  statements of belief (such as the Onondaga are polytheistic) and two quotes per statement. 

Further research - Explore the modern Onondaga Nation website

Take the origin story from The Onondaga Nation and compare it to the myth in the English textbook. What similar themes, if any, exist. Why might there be different myths for the same people

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